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Winter Warriors

Winter arrives and we wonder, "How am I going to get through another cold day?" Like a warrior - with a plan of action and some healthy tools to keep you strong in the months ahead: Light While there are many good travel deals in the winter to warmer climates, it can be challenging to get to the tropics. There are other ways to get your sunshine. Light boxes can definitely help. Eat lunch by a window. Be outside as much as possible, even if it means bundling up so much you look like marshmallow man. Exercise Try a winter sport, such as skiing or snowshoeing. The cold air can make it difficult to get an exercise routine in. While I personally do not enjoy being on a treadmill, I find that after the work-out - even if it is at the gym - I have more energy and it was worth the time. Take a walk in the mall, swim at a local pool, do even just 10 minutes of yoga in the morning to wake up. Indoor Activities Add some excitement to your home. Host a game night or cook a new meal. Or maybe enjoy some moments of solitude. Winter is the season for hibernation - for rest, reflecting inside at what we wish to change and growing inspiration for the year to come. Relax in the bath, journal your intentions, and make space for new beginnings.

And while I am in California now and, yes, living without snow, the season of winter remains a time for standing still, letting go of the old, and embracing new creativity for your soul.

Photo: Warrior 2, Virabhadrasana II. Dahlonega, Georgia. New Year's Weekend Women's Retreat, 2017. Sponsored by Soul Nourish and Form Yoga.

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